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Our passionate team takes time to listen to all of your skincare needs and concerns. Here at ClarityMD, we continue to carry out our mission to build rewarding patient relationships by exceeding your expectations through individualized attention, skin-care education, and customized state-of-the-art services in a comfortable, fun, safe and confidential environment. It is our goal to enhance your natural beauty with lasting results while maintaining the highest safety standards in the industry.

Body Contouring & CoolSculpting In Carmel


The CoolSculpting procedure eliminates stubborn fat safely and effectively, without surgery or downtime.This fat reduction treatment is the only FDA-cleared procedure to use controlled cooling to safely target and eliminate diet- and exercise-resistant fat. CoolSculpting results are proven, noticeable, and lasting, so you’ll look and feel great from every angle.

Freeze away fat?

It comes down to science. Fat cells freeze at higher temperatures than surrounding tissues. CoolSculpting technology safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target the fat cells underneath the skin. The treated fat cells are crystallized (frozen), and then die. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells, leaving a more sculpted you.

You can reshape your body!

We will develop a customized CoolSculpting treatment plan that addresses your problem areas. Additional sessions may further enhance your results. Your individualized treatment plan will be tailored to your body, your goals, and your budget. It’s easy to sit back, relax and say goodbye to stubborn fat. After we select the area(s) to be treated, the device is positioned on your body and controlled cooling is applied. During your procedure, you may choose to read, check email, or even take a nap. The CoolSculpting fat freezing procedure is completely non-surgical, so you can typically return to work and normal activities immediately.

You will like what you see.

In the weeks and months following your procedure, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells. Once the treated fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good.

Are you ready to love every view of you?

The sooner you set up your consultation, the sooner you’ll see results in the mirror—long-term results in those areas that have resisted all efforts through diet and exercise. Contact us today to find out if the CoolSculpting fat freezing procedure is right for you.


Results and patient experience may vary. ClarityMD provides complimentary CoolSculpt consultations as part of each new booking. Take a look at our Mildred's CoolScultping journey below to learn more about the process.

What is Body Contouring?

Body contouring, also known as body sculpting, describes any medical treatment or procedure, surgical or nonsurgical, to change the body's shape. People have aesthetic plastic surgery procedures for many reasons. The techniques can remove excess skin after significant weight loss, remove excess fat from areas of the body that resist diet and exercise, and change the appearance of a particular body part. Surgical body contouring is different from bariatric surgery or weight-loss surgeries. Body contouring is not a weight-loss technique, and it doesn’t change the way the body processes food or reacts to exercise.


Why Choose Body Contouring?

Even with a healthy diet and regular exercise, people often find that they have stubborn fat deposits on the body that don’t respond to these healthy lifestyle habits. When that happens, they may turn to a body contouring treatment to change their body shape. Others cite a desire for smoother, firmer, and softer skin, which often occurs with body contouring procedures. For people who lose a significant amount of weight, body contouring can help remove the extra loose skin to avoid infections, rashes, and dissatisfaction with the post-weight loss body.


What are Some Body Contouring Procedures?

Body sculpting procedures may be surgical or noninvasive, and they may target various areas of the body. The upper arms, belly, butt, neck, chin, back, and thighs are common targets for plastic surgeons. The breast lift is popular with women who have lost chest definition due to age or nursing babies.


Here are a few of the nonsurgical options available to achieve lipolysis, which means destroying fat cells. Most procedures require multiple treatments, but the number will vary based on the results you want to achieve.


  • Freezing (cryolipolysis)

  • Injection with deoxycholic acid

  • Use of lasers

  • Use of ultrasound waves (radiofrequency lipolysis)


Body contouring surgery, such as lifts and tucks, are also used to remove fat and extra skin. Liposuction is a body sculpting method of fat reduction performed by a plastic surgeon who uses specialized tools to suction out adipose deposits in the body. Though surgical procedures like liposuction are still commonplace, noninvasive or minimally invasive methods of body contouring carry less risk, require minimal downtime for recovery, and cause less, if any, scarring.


The CoolSculpting procedure eliminates stubborn fat safely and effectively, without surgery or downtime. This fat reduction treatment is the only FDA-cleared procedure to use controlled cooling to safely target and eliminate diet- and exercise-resistant fat. CoolSculpting results are proven, noticeable, and lasting, so you’ll look and feel great from every angle.


Take your body to the next level with PHYSIQ! PHYSIQ is a non-invasive, body-contouring treatment that utilizes a combination of heat and electrical muscle stimulation to spot reduce and tone problem areas. Treatment sessions are quick and comfortable and multiple areas can be treated simultaneously with no downtime!


Why Choose ClarityMD?

Since 2009, Dr. Jodie Harper and the team at ClarityMD have helped their clients love their appearance while never forgetting their unique beauty as individuals. Every patient gets a customized treatment plan to help achieve the desired results. All of our treatments are guided by a licensed physician in a soothing atmosphere. We can help you understand whether you are an ideal candidate for a particular procedure and tell you how you can reach your goals while never compromising your health or safety. Contact us today and start your journey!

Take your body to the next level with PHYSIQ! PHYSIQ is a non-invasive, body-contouring treatment that utilizes a combination of heat and electrical muscle stimulation to spot reduce and tone problem areas. Treatment sessions are quick and comfortable and multiple areas can be treated simultaneously with no downtime!


A series of five treatment sessions spaced 1-2 weeks apart are required for optimal results, however it is important to consult with an expert provider at ClarityMD to develop a treatment program that works for you!

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